What is Laravel


Hi they, this is the first series of my laravel tutorial. In this first tutorial we will learn about the basic of laravel and it prerequisites.  Let kick start with the prerequisites.
Before starting working with laravel you need to have a prerequisites knowledge of the following;

  • Basic knowledge of the command line
  • Basic understanding of programming concepts
  • PHP
  • SQL

What is Laravel?
Laravel is a powerful PHP-based web framework designed based on the MVC architecture. Laravel makes it easier for developers to get started on PHP projects. Through Laravel, you think less about the setup, architecture, and dependencies of a project and go straight into the main project.

What is MVC?
MVC stands for ‘Model View Controller’. MVC architecture looks at the application structure with regards to how the data flow in the application.
MVC separates domain/application/business logic from the rest of the user interface by separating the application into three parts: the model, the view, and the controller.


MVC Architectural diagram

The model handles the fundamental behaviors and data of the application. It respond to requests for information, respond to instructions to change the state of the information, and equally notify observers in event-driven systems when information changes

The view provides the user interface element of the application. It renders data from the model into a form that is appropriate for the user interface.

The controller in the other hand receives user input and makes calls to model objects and the view to perform appropriate actions.

In summary

The Controllers handle user requests and retrieve data, by leveraging Models.
The Models interact with your database and retrieve your objects’ information
The Views render pages for the user to see.

Advantages of Laravel
Some of the advantages of using laravel include; 

  • It makes the web application becomes more scalable, owing to the Laravel framework.
  • In terms of time, considerable time is saved in designing the web application, since Laravel reuses the components from other framework in developing web application.
  • It namespaces and interfaces, helps to organize and manage resources.

With this I believe we have a basic knowledge of what laravel is. In our next series we will be creating our first lavarel project.

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